Wednesday, 20 October 2010

LIIAR of brief


The institution for my music video is obviously going to be me, this is because this is my own production therefore it will be planned and made by me. I intend to film all aspects of my music video myself and cast, style etc how i want it to be. An institution is the company in which markets, distributes and produces the product as this has to be my own work I will be the institution for My music video.

The ideology behind my music video is the idea that everything in society is now influencing us to make our decisions in life and how people long to be free from this and have the freedom to think for yourself. Also behind the ideology is that so many lies are told in this generation we don't know what is going on in the world or what we are supposed to believe as there is so much that we don't know about and so many things we turn a blind eye too. My ideology will also be how people are feeling trapped and isolated in the life's which they are living and how they long for freedom.

The song I am using is a hip-hop/ Rap song however i Would say its targeted towards older RnB lovers around the age of 25+ this is because in my video i am not trying to promote a certain image about RnB music, the music video will be mainly promoting a theme rather then a genre. I also think it's targeted towards adults more then it is children and teens because it's going to be about feeling trapped and lonely in everyday and life and how people are not particularly sure of what kind of society we are living in therefore i feel these are more themes that adults can relate towards more then children or adolescents.

My music video is going to represent the idea of feeling trapped in society and how we are not able to thing for ourselves any more or how we have lost the ability to do so. There is also going to be a representation of feeling trapped and how we sometimes just have that urge for freedom of the life we are living in and how we want to start having the opportunity to think for ourselves which i think is something a lot of people can relate to.

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